Max. # of Identities
Superfast Connection Speed
Superfast Connection Speeds
Multiple Device Support
Multiple Device Support
Preserve configuration and bookmarks between devices
Use Multiple Simultaneous Identities
Use Multiple Simultaneous Identities
Work on as many Identities as you need - at the same time!
Custom IP Address Locations
Custom IP Address Locations
All your traffic comes from our growing list of supported cities and countries
Create New Identities in Seconds
Create New Identities in Seconds
Create as many identities as you like in just a few seconds
Print to Local Printers
Protection from Online Tracking
Protection from Online Tracking
Safeguards user data and activity from being monitored, recorded, or tracked by external parties or platforms.
Protection from Platform Correlation technologies
Protection from Platform Correlation Technologies
Safeguard user identities and behaviors from being linked or correlated across different platforms or systems.
Protection from Phone Company and ISP tracking
Protection from Phone Company and ISP Tracking
Complete Traffic Isolation from other Browsers on your computer
Complete Traffic Isolation from other Browsers on your computer
Dedicated IP Addresses
Dedicated IP Addresses
Retain the same IP address for months or years
State-of-the-Art Synthetic Fingerprint
State-of-the-Art Synthetic Fingerprints
Identifiable Information Masking
Identifiable Information Masking
Support Multiple Child Users
Support Multiple Child Users
Allow your team to access your Identities with custom access control
Max number of Users
Access permissions
Access Permissions
Choose which users have access to each of your Identities
Share bookmarks and password configurations with your users
Share Bookmarks and Password Configurations with your Users
Have your users setup and ready to go with all the access and links they need from day one
Built-in whitelist filtering
Built-in Whitelist Filtering
Limit the websites employees can visit
Securely save and store account credentials
Securely save and store Account Credentials
Auto-fill site usernames and passwords
Auto-fill site Usernames and Passwords
Built-in 2fa support
Built-in 2fa Support
Make 2fa tokens available to all of your users - no need for separate phones, phone numbers, or chat lines.
Central password management
Central Password Management
Manage passwords for all of your users from a central location
Grant access without exposing passwords
Grant Access without exposing Passwords
Allow your users to access websites without ever exposing your passwords to them
Per-User Password Management
Per-User Password Management
Choose which users have access to which passwords
1Password password management
1Password password management
Meshimer Filter Integration
Email/Chat Support
Email/Chat Support
Video Support